Tag Archives: Sleep

Night Owl, or Morning Person

This is dedicated to my mom, dad, and my sister. (Meg, all those hs days) Also, my alarm clock, sorry for hitting you so many times.

The Molly McCormick you all know, by all means is a “night owl.” I love being up late, and that is where I get most of my energy. Right? Yes! Not much has changed, but since being in Malawi, I have embraced a slightly new outlook.

If you are any of the following people reading this, please know this might be a jaw dropping read for you:

  • My Mom or Dad
  • Meghan, my twin sister
  • Tinashe, my current roommate
  • Janelle, my fellow morning snoozer/roommate
  • My old ALARM clock (Snooze button)
  • And any former roommates…

I am getting up when I wake up. Alarm or not!

Yes its true. Sometime I wake up to children playing outside, mostly the rooster, other livestock or the sound of someone chopping wood. I usually set my alarm for 8am. By then Tinashe and Chikondi have been up, awake and have long started their days.

Inspired, maybe…

Commanded/Convicted, a bit…

Convinced Mom has been right all these years, basically.

24 hours in one day, and often I wish for more. Time always slips through, might as well EMBRACE what I have. (Of course while I am writing this, its middle of the night, but due to some other reasons, I am unable to sleep.)

The first noise that wakes me up in the morning is my new alarm clock. I choose to rise from slumber, and take on the day. I am trying to embrace this new action, and to take time to Thank the Good Lord Above for giving another beautiful morning to see.

Oh, Malawi… how good you are to me. 

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